Thursday, August 30, 2012

Cross Country

I am currently going to run in a decent cross country meet in a few hours after this post. I've always wanted to be the fastest runner in every race, but it seems like it's impossible. I run a 5:45 mile pace for three miles straight; that may sound impressive, but not good enough for those who could run a sub five minute pace for three miles straight. It makes me wonder how these people run so fast, there's always a tiny group that stays together, and the slower group is completely isolated, there is no such a thing as single file line in every cross country race. Every course is different, but the same people keep winning, so I wouldn't blame it on the steep hill for not being first. There are rainy days, where it's an obvious disadvantage to everyone, but the same runners win first place again! I just don't understand their work ethic during practices, because I don't go to their school. If only I knew how to progress as a faster runner, I ran a very good PR last year, rewarding me with an eighth place medal in a small meet. However, in bigger meets, where there are more than three hundred runners in a single race, there is always that one guy that is ahead of everyone by hundreds of meters. It just stuns me how they can do such thing.


My uncle was an example of one of those extreme and avid runners. He told me that his reason for being so fast was because you only get to run as a high school team once. Then once you graduate, you're done, so make the best of it. He is extremely competitive; he doesn't like it when a runner passes him during a race, so he would obviously push himself to run past him back, usually the other runner wouldn't bother passing him again. My uncle would run faster and faster, he wouldn't slow down, he likes the feeling of being way ahead of everyone and testing to see how far ahead he could be.


All I could ask for is to be like my uncle when it comes to the last meet of my last high school year. I will probably finally realize his passion during the middle of my last race. I hopefully will surpass my road block, where I could never break the seventeen minute 5k barrier. Not even on a really good day, I just want the barometer to be great, the air to be cool like the fall in a normal Iowa weather. The sad thing is Iowa weather is never normal; just like this day, I have to run in 90 degree weather, with dead wind, no trace of cool breeze. The weather will be different, but my ethic will be the same, that ethic I have perceived from my uncle as we discussed about the following meet.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Busy life

Waking up in the morning feeling fresh and ready to go. Having time to make a well rounded breakfast. Starting second hour everday in high school was a great choice of mine! I, however, have to go through three college courses daily in an extraordinary school so my work would pay off later. Then I have to run cross country,hundreds of miles added on weekly without a trace of exaggeration! Running and staggering in this hot Iowa weather, just a pain in the butt. As I get done, I would have to occasionally work at Hy-vee, (one of the best grocery stores in the nation!) Too bad it's out only in the mid-west region, where none of you can recieve our great service, best baggers, fast checkers, and so on! It's not like i'm advertising or anything... Anyways being a part of the service in Hy-vee is pretty long, but there's a variety of things you have to do other than hearing the beep of the barcodes as a checker 24/7, or just bagging products for others. I work usually until ten at night, then I drive home. Guess what? I realized I have several homework assignments that are longworthy, like this assignment, is just a fraction of it! So you could assume I am working on this at midnight, not because i'm a lazy procrosinatior, but i'm pretty darn busy!
When I don't have the busy days, I would instantly invite my best friend over and we would cruise around and go to taco johns, taco bell, and we'd drink "Monsters". None of this gets old! I enjoy these moments, something we all call free time. I also have a double personality where I would also camp and do other outdoor activities with my best friend, while my other best friend would go to parties, clubs, and so on. I enjoy doing both of them equally, (just imagine partying in a camper!).
I don't why I chose to be busy, I guess it is just a main factor into being a sucessful person, being able to prove your future boss in resumes that you could do many things at once, and plan accordingly. Being busy benefits people in so many ways, getting to know more people you are involved with, making money, getting scholarships for community involvement, and so many more. I don't even know what to do if my friends aren't avaible to hang out, i'd just be trapped into boredom, that is why I would always rebound into finding something else I could be busy doing, other than cleaning my house, like my mom would always ask me to do!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Things you just need to know

Before I start blogging, I just want to let you all know that I am an avid hunter and fisherman. I have so many crazy stories about being an outdoorsman other than just seeing deer and big northerns following my lures. I want to be a resort owner up in Minnesota as I grow up. I've been so interested in fishing since I was only four. Here's the reason; imagine a land full of trees, lost in such a huge quantity of water, with such potential of a ginormous fish that may have never seen a boat before. Same goes with hunting, you're in the woods that goes from mountain to mountains, and there are huge trophy deer that die never seeing a hunter, unless if that hunter could be you.
I run a lot too, not just random jogging just because I feel like it. I've used to be 110 pounds freshman year, until this very senior year, I went up to 160 pounds and counting, but still run faster. I've been part of the cross country team for all four years, and plan on running the final year in track. I run two and one mile runs, and some 800's on the way too. But since I've bulked up too much, as my family gene, i'm only gonna do 400m dashes my final year. I hope to break 50 seconds!
I am that one kind of person that likes to get to know as many people as possible, and willing to travel to many places on earth. My grandparents were great savers when they were young, and now they travel around the world monthly! Along with tons of cruise trips on the way. I'm gonna have to start saving! I have plenty of friends, some ranging from nerdy intelligent people to underdogs of sports.
I have hearing issues, that is why I have the cochlear implant, I try to ignore it as much as I can, but if someone brings it up, i'll be more than happy to tell them about it, but if you just stare at my right side of my ear, then I'm obviously going to ignore you. I've gone so far with the hearing disability I have, lots of speech therapies when I was little along with reading. As a person, I could assure you that you'd view me as a normal person until you finally realize that I have the cochlear implant on.