Sunday, October 21, 2012

Pitch Perfect, So Funny!

I would marry anyone that is just like fat Amy, her personality and everything she says is just too funny! The movie almost states a perfect college life, where there are lots of drama, interesting people, and of course the competitions. As obsessed as I am into music, this movie was the right one. I don’t want to give away the funny scenes, but you’ve gotta watch it!
It’s great to see the dynamic characters in almost everyone in the singing club, except for Fat Amy, because she is perfect the way she was. I just figured that they have a twitter account, fan-page of her, although I don’t have twitter, I would follow her if I had one at the instant.
This is a great lesson though, to be open-minded, and to join clubs to make new friends that can make a big difference to you. You’ll meet people that have a lot in common, because they joined the club for the same reason like yours. I like how the club is unique and weird at the same time, “I (sing your name) promise not to do “business” with guys and disallow wolves from ripping my vocal cords out”. The oath I just had to die laughing at, I can’t remember a time when I didn’t laugh for a minute during the movie. The trailer was funny as usual, but this movie had the whole stretch of comedy unlike every other movie. Some movies have great trailers, but not as funny as you thought it would be.
I’m not really an obsessed movie guy, unlike my brother, where he watches trailers and looks up EW. (Entertainment weekly) over every actor and actresses in it and looks up “rotten tomatoes and good tomatoes” A critic site of movie reviews. He said, In spite of all 35 movie trips he went to at Wherenberg this year, this was one of his tops, so I had to go, and it was great. I wish I had the comedy like they do, I’m just awkward sometimes. They are like a bunch of really good singers and very good at facial expressions and acting. I want to see more of these people in other movies; it is kind of like benchwarmers, why can’t they have all of the funny actors in different movies, so I can enjoy watching them as well?
I know with comedy, come with offensive terms, but come on, its comedy, nothing is taken seriously. Pitch perfect might as well be a perfect movie in comedy!

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