Saturday, October 13, 2012

Wanna bully?

Why do idiots bully people? Don’t they have anything better to do? Or do they just wanna get their “cool points”? It just makes me mad! The best people in high school are the ones that are friends with everyone, no matter who they are. But you want to be the “cool” one? I’ll show you cool, they’re the reason why my neighbor doesn’t get out much.
He has autism, AD/HD, and many other problems when he was adopted, which doesn’t mean he deserves crap from you people. If I find out who you are, I’ll find out where you usually hang out outside of school, I’ll slam you down the way my uncle did in his fifth year as a varsity wrestler, I’ll drop kick you the way my older brother did in the regional league of UFC, I’ll run after you like an angry cross country runner that will never give up until he gets ya, I’ll burn your “cool points” until you drop it cause it’s hot.
Don’t care where it’s at, as long as it’s outside of the school, where your mamma can’t save you. When you call for mercy, I’ll say no, your next visit will be mercy hospital. Bet you wish you never read this huh? I’ll find out whom that bully is, because it is just stupid, that bully should be easy to find, because they’re awkward people who think they’re cool. Think this is funny? Think again!
The bullies are the reason to many suicides, and those people may have the knowledge to cure cancer, but you made fun of him because he’s geeky, others may find a solution to be the next president that’ll help the economy greatly, but you make fun of him, because all he does is talk about politics, there could be a way to make really efficient cars, but you put him down, and b.s him that it’ll never happen.
So what do you get back? No respect, die of cancer, keep paying your debt and watch as the U.S debt plunge into a freefall, pay for expensive gas to a point where that is all you buy, or bike to work. If you could only get your mind straightened out, and be nice to everyone, then maybe the world will be a better place, OBVIOUSLY it’ll be a better place. Why do you think harassing is illegal in high school? Well it is there for a reason!
Please don’t make me use violence to straighten up your mind, I might accidentally bust it anyways, just get the message and take it for granted. Not too much to ask for isn't it? (445)

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